C4DT, In Partnership with the Institute of Digital Transformation, explores the impacts on companies and their leaders as we transition from the Industrial to the Digital Era. Based on actual experiences and industry research, we produce a wide range of insightful and thought-provoking tools and content. All of which prepares leaders for the Digital Era and guides them in transforming their companies into Digital Enterprises.
To help develop the next generation of transformational digital leaders who can transform our organizations for the digital era.
The Institute for Digital Transformation developed the Digital Enterprise Readiness Framework to help organizations ensure that their organizations are prepared to handle the stress and impact of a digital transformation effort.
For over a decade, the Institute has worked with organizations as they have executed IT and digital transformation efforts. During these efforts, the Institute gathered data about the factors that contributed to or hindered the success of these transformational programs. This data and experience formed the foundation of the Digital Enterprise Readiness Framework.
This foundation was augmented by multiple research projects that The Institute has participated in over the last four years. Using the accumulated results in addition to scholarly research, Dr. Frank Granito has created an analytical model that objectively measures an organization’s readiness to execute and sustain a digital transformation effort. The model’s output has been validated against results published by numerous recognized industry experts.
We are a team of digital transformation experts from a variety of backgrounds – technical, design, marketing and communications, education, some from public sector and some from private sector who bring our talents together to help other organisations transform and adapt to today’s rapid pace of change that is enabled by technology.
The company was founded in 1999 by CEO Niall McKeown, visiting Professor at Ulster University.
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