C4DT – Centre for Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Readiness Program

Program Snapshot

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Digital Transformation is Cultural, Not Technological

Transformation is not something you do. It’s an attitude and an approach. We must all create transformational leaders and transformational cultures within our organizations if we are to continue to thrive as the world rapidly changes and evolves. This is because we believe that we have entered an exciting – and sometimes scary – new era in which the industrial era is giving way to the “Digital Era”. The rules that have governed how we live and operate for the past 150 years are changing in front of us. And no one really knows what will happen next. We therefore need to create organizations and leaders who are comfortable operating with uncertainty and who can rapidly evolve their operating models to adapt to changing markets and directions. That is a transformational culture. That is transformational leadership



Operational Stability
Organizational Agility
Strategic Agility
Disruptive Culture
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Continual Readiness

What do the world’s most elite military units and championship sport teams have in common



They are always training, preparing, “getting ready” for the next mission or the next game. They know that the better prepared they are, the more likely the mission will be successful, and the game won


The Institute has developed an analytical Model that will objectively measure the “Readiness” of an organization’s ability to change. 

The model was developed using data gathered over the past decade of working with companies undergoing change and collected as part of multiple research projects. Our Chief Scientist, Dr. Frank Granito, combined this data with other academic studies to develop our current model

We refer to this model as the Four Dimension of Digital Readiness

Operational Stability

Does your organization have a stable base to operate from?

Atrributes we measure

  • Strategic & Functional Clarity
  • Inter-Functional Integration
  • Organizational Discipline
  • Organizational Governance
  • Metrics-Driven Management
  • Operational Flexibility
  • Team Dynamics

Organizational Agility

How quickly can your organization react to change

Atrributes we measure

  • Strategic & Functional Clarity
  • Inter-Functional Integration
  • Organizational Discipline
  • Organizational Governance
  • Metrics-Driven Management
  • Operational Flexibility
  • Team Dynamics

Strategic Agility

How well does your organization anticipate change

Atrributes we measure

  • Strategic & Functional Clarity
  • Inter-Functional Integration
  • Organizational Discipline
  • Organizational Governance
  • Metrics-Driven Management
  • Operational Flexibility
  • Team Dynamics

Disruptive Culture

How receptive is your organization/people to implement change? 

Atrributes we measure

  • Evidence-based Decision-making
  • Continual Operational Reassessment Bias
  • Critical Thinking and Analysis
  • Management Innovation
  • Organizational Innovation
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Agile Values
  • Collaborative Digital Storytelling
  • Customer Orientation

Key Takeaways

Plan and manage

Plan and manage digital transformation initiatives.

New technologies

Connect new technologies with business applications.

Engage effectively

Engage effectively with technology and legal functions.

Identify technologies

Plan and manage digital transformation initiatives

Evaluate AI

Evaluate AI and analytics-based business initiatives

Implement Data

Implement data governance for decision-making


Our focus is the Readiness of Your Organization to handle the stress of the transition as compared to other assessments where they focus on only specific aspects of change

C4DT Unique Approach

Analytical Approach
Findings and recommendations are produced by a validated analytical model

Inclusive of Organization
Information is gathered from the entire organization

Vendor Agnostic
Our Framework integrates seamlessly with other technology, process frameworks, methodologies, or approaches that you are already usin

Traditional Approach

Subjective Approach
Results from other assessments vary based on the experience and expertise of the assessment team

Selective Information
Information is gathered from selective people chosen by Management or Assessment Team

Self Serving
Recommendations may be aligned with specific vendor solutions only

The Assessment gathers information from your staff using a series of electronic Collectors. The Institute will work with a designated coordinator to create and distribute a series of emails to explain the purpose of the Assessment and encourage your staff to participate

Case Study

Many business sectors including Banking, Manufacturing and automaitve recommend "Implementation of right set of organizational capabilities are critical requirements for Digital Transformation. Readiness is having right amount of foundational organizational processes and capabilities
British telecom and companies in the European Union learned to place "The emphasis on business issues such as how will my business processes change." Readiness is having organizational agility to rapidly alther the business in response to a changing digital environment
NHS England have found that a user council set up to involve external stakeholders in activity was a key success factor to Digital Transformation. Readiness is the strategic agility that comes from knowing and involving your customers
A Mckinsey study of digital culture shows companies like GE and Nordstrom realized "In our experience, executives who wait for organizational cultures to change organically will move too slowly as digital penetration grows". Readiness is a Disruptive Culture whose Senior Leaders are advocates and role models
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How Does the Assessment Work?

The Assessment gathers information from your staff using a series of electronic Collectors. The Institute will work with a designated coordinator to create and distribute a series of emails to explain the purpose of the Assessment and encourage your staff to participate.


Kickoff Meeting & Project Plan

Client will assign Cordinator. We will then create communication plan and schedule start date

Distribute Collectors and gather input

Announce the assessment via email to staff and share the Collector link with respondents. Reminder emails are sent to ensure maximum participation while the collecter link remains open for 5-7 business days

Analyze Results and Present Findings

We will analyze collector results and prepare Readiness Report. We will develop activities to imporve Readiness and conduct video briefing session. Our team will provide followup support for 1 month

Outcome of the assesment

Data based objective result

Vendor Agnostic Recommendations

  • Establish Roles and Responsibilities– In synergy with establishing processes in Organizational Discipline, roles and responsibilities should be defined and assigned. Each staff member will know what is to be done and who is to do it, thus eliminating redundant and conflicting effort.
  • Development of Skills and Availability Matrix – The organization should know the skills of its staff, the skills required of its staff, and the availability of its staff. This can align with Agile principles.
  • Cross Training and Job Sharing Program – Establish mechanisms were versatility is embraced and staff know and empathize with co-workers on other teams within the organization. Appreciation for the level of effort required of upstream and downstream partners will help break down artificial organizational boundaries.


Connect with us to learn more about how your investment in this program today will unlock growth potential for your organization.


What You’ll Learn

This workshop will equip you with essential leadership skills, strategies, and tools to inspire teams and drive growth in your organization.

Module 1: Visionary Leadership
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Module 2: Visionary Leadership
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad. Eos erant indoctum an, dictas invidunt est ex, et sea consulatu torquatos. Nostro aperiam petentium eu nam, mel debet urbanitas ad, idque complectitur eu quo. An sea autem dolore dolores.
Module 3: Visionary Leadership
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad. Eos erant indoctum an, dictas invidunt est ex, et sea consulatu torquatos. Nostro aperiam petentium eu nam, mel debet urbanitas ad, idque complectitur eu quo. An sea autem dolore dolores.
Module 4: Visionary Leadership
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad. Eos erant indoctum an, dictas invidunt est ex, et sea consulatu torquatos. Nostro aperiam petentium eu nam, mel debet urbanitas ad, idque complectitur eu quo. An sea autem dolore dolores.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

Transformational Outcomes


You’ll develop the vision, communication, and decision-making skills to inspire and lead with impact.

Personal Growth

You’ll build confidence, resilience, and a mindset for growth to face any challenge ahead.

Career Advancement

You’ll gain skills and insights to unlock new opportunities and elevate your career trajectory.

- As Seen On -

Meet Your Workshop Leaders

Hi Dear, my name is Debra, nice to meet you!

I work with motivated spirits just like yours that want to quit their 9 to 5 jobs and embrace the entrepreneurial adventure.Everything is about you and what you want to do, I am only here to guide you and support you to make you realise your dreams!

No worries! I have created a group of like-minded people to help you grow your business online. Everything is about you and what you want to do, I am only here to guide you and support you to make you realise your dreams!

Additional Learning Tools


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